I was thinking that maybe my holiday song,”The Christmas Door” was already a Hallmark or maybe Lifetime Christmas movie, but when I searched it, I found a painting by Nita Leger Casey.
I’m placing it on the back burner (but not on the fire) for now – maybe I’ll finish it for next Christmas.
I decided to take a little time to try some midi drums. I hooked up my keyboard to my laptop via USB and found an Ableton Live tutorial to make the attempt. The good news was that the software recognized my keyboard & I was able to hear drum sounds when I hit the correct keys. That seemed to be the end of my success for the moment. Even though I saw some that some information was saved in the midi track within the DAW, I was not able to play it back.

A little frustrated, but I’ll get it.
Be well.
-Sticks Bejzak
P.S. About the image up top: Obie dragged an elastic bandage out of our bedroom – maybe he thinks he’s a Saint Bernard.