Background Color

I’ve gone to eleven. With a flurry of activity this morning, I’ve proclaimed the resulting output “Pop Start (Demo).”

I started with only the drum beat I created previously. My sense from the last go ’round was that the bass & drum were the strength of this one, so I simplified what I was playing on bass and made sure it would “line up” with what I expected to sing – I almost achieved that. πŸ™‚

With a bit of improvisation on the amount of times I repeated certain phrases, I recorded the main vocal twice (panned one track left, the other right) as per a previous suggestion I received.

I then recorded some box drum and let it just percolate in the background for color. I recorded two tracks of background vocals – also panning as with the lead and for additional color.

I’m still really finding my way with the compression & reverb settings. I used compression & equalization on the bass track, compression only on the box drum and compression plus reverb on the vocal. Results on SoundCloud via link below.

There is a little “noise” in there. I’ll need to track it down and be more careful going forward.



4 thoughts on “Background Color”

  1. very New Wavey. glad to hear you’re getting a handle on the tech. this sounds much slicker than your earlier attempts! good work. interested to see where you’ll go next

    1. I prefer to think of it as Ed Wave-y. πŸ™‚
      Thank you kind sir.
      Tech can be challenging – even for a self-proclaimed techie like myself. This was the 1st track on which I was able to “punch-in” to a specific point of a track to add a piece of background vocals.

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