
In Titled

My muse visited this morning, between sleep & wakefulness – as is its wont. Trying to get all the thoughts down before they evaporate

Listened to my latest sketch of “Pop Start” in the car and I was really happy with the bass and drum sound – the vocals? Not so much.

Potential added instrumentation: Ideally vibraphone, but may substitute.

Idea to add “Pop Start” vocally – twice at the end of a section/verse. Something like the “buhm, buhm” in The Association’s “Cherish.”

I also heard this minor, MTV (novelty?) from Adrian Belew and thought I wouldn’t mind being in this spectrum. Fun stuff!

Ideas for the album title floated in my brain as well:

  • “I’m in”
  • “In” (Like the 2-word Peter Gabriel titles -“So”, Us”, “Up”)
  • “Self-ish” or Self (ish)

Then I thought I had it: “Self Player” A play on Long Player. But then I thought it was alluding to a Bobby McFerrin type work or even worse, an innuendo.

Mind changed it to “Self Record” and I think I have a working title. I like the many possible meanings and picture myself on the cover at a microphone, wearing an athlete’s number/pinny (maybe too close to Olympics right now).

Studio Time: I tried an early morning session that may have some decent pieces. I recorded some box drum for what I though might be the vibraphone part & I thought I could re-use the bass, but I think it went along to closely with what I sang in the last version. I tried 2 new vocals tracks with some phrasing ideas & I ended up with the below (Sketch 2).

-Self TitlEd

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