After a very productive weekend for The Get-Up (3/4 of which are pictured above, in their somewhat natural habitat – you’ve seen enough of me), I was ready to continue with my soloing.
The weekend was highlighted by a Saturday evening audience-less concert which was recorded, but is only currently approved for band-member listens. I feel that a good portion of it is shareable, but will have to get concurrence of those pictured above.
I need to get a DAW tutorial from band member Dave Husted as he ‘“mastered” lightly.’ – saying: “Mainly I pushed the volume up with a limiter to “radio” level. A little bit of eq work to clear out some mid band mud but not much as I did not spend a lot of time on it.” IMHO, it significantly improved the sound. Most importantly, the vocals are are much clearer – mostly a good thing. 😉
I took a step forward in my solo work by figuring out a few chords for Saving Our Lives and getting the 2 verses and the bridge(?) recorded (linked below).
-Get-Up Bass