I don’t know that I plan to blog absolutely every day (but most days of the week).
Working on getting ideas together from the several places I’ve “scribbled” them (post-its, iPod Touch, Android phone, Google Docs/Drive) and massaging lyrics.

Current proposed tracks include the aforementioned Christie and Policy of Love with:
- Fool Play (initially thinking a hint of Motown/Hall & Oates soul for this one)
- Summer Wanes
- Future Psychic Girlfriend
- Make Fun
- The Christmas Door [possible bonus holiday track]. Thought up for a proposed door decorating contest at work a few years back that never came to fruition.
- If there is an instrumental, I might go with Monster Pie Sandwich – I’ve had that name at the ready for many years
I plan to have some serious fun throughout this process.
-Jiggy Stardust
Funny how ideas come like little packages, waiting for us in our profound clumsiness to find a way to open them. I’m shaking Future Psychic Girlfriend and cant wait to be surprised.