Volume 2.5.2

[Round 2: Cover Five – Week 2]

by Lissie

Original Artist: Danzig

“Mad World”
by Gary Jules, Michael Andrews

Original Artist: Tears for Fears

9 thoughts on “Volume 2.5.2”

  1. Lissie – Mother
    Getting a Patti Smith vibe here – I quite like it. Never had heard of Lissie and Danzig has only ever been on the outer bands of my radar. Kicks into gear at the perfect spot. Right on.

    Gary Jules, Michael Andrews – Mad World
    At first, I was a little disappointed that this was one of the selections. I think I grew at little tired of a version I didn’t love back in the day. However, the piano is delicately pretty and the strings are nuanced. I don’t know that I love the timbre of his voice, but this is a spare version that lets the lyrics speak. Certainly not a happy song, but I’m no longer disappointed.

  2. Lissie- Definitely channeling a little Patti Smith (no, not Patti Smyth of The Warror fame). I was hoping for a cover of The Police song Mother but you cant have everything. I like the quiet boil and scalp-melting solo. The song was captivating in the beginning but lost me near the end. Maybe it’s that creeping need of the cover artist to acknowledge its predecessor (see my previous comments on Aztec Van Halen’s Jump)

    Mad World- For about a year this song would pop up on my Pandora . I guess the computer says it is in my wheelhouse. Well, it’s right. Nice sprinkling pieanny, nice Neil Young homage in the vocals. Not a drop of Tears for Fears. I love the juxtaposition of simmering
    lyric with the quiet desperation of the vocal tone. Good schtuff.

  3. “Mother” / Lissie. I spun the original Danzig LP containing this song a bunch when it came out, like 30 years ago. Ol’ Glenn’s version was effectively blustery, with all-out guitars and drums almost the whole way through; Lissie (whom I’ve never heard before) starts with a more understatedly insinuating take, until of course the minute-long closing crescendo. I was thinking it might have been more powerful to go low-key-menacing the whole way through, but maybe that’s only true for folks who never heard the original! (and on which she kinda goes all Pat Benatar, in a good way). At any rate, a strong take on a kick-ass little tune. (Side note: I am bemused by the the placid, misty-mountain photo chosen for the backdrop for the text of the lyrics.)

    “Mad World” / Gary Jules & Michael Andrews. I guess I’ve heard this song before? I didn’t recall the title, but the melody sounded very familiar. Were it a hit? I’m imagining the TFF original was more lushly produced; regardless, this low-key, stripped-down interpretation is quite potent on a melancholy and reflective little tune.

    1. The original isn’t crazily lush. It is from their debut and was a hit in the UK, but did not make much of an impact chartwise here. The lush production came on their following album (both albums are quite good IMHO).

  4. Came across Lissie while looking for an acoustic cover of the song for my wife to sing, this version was perfect. Stuck with me ever since

    Mad world – Amazing, another original song I’ve heard before, but never put it together. this version was overplayed, but I like it. never knew who did it, but wouldn’t change the channel when it came on.

  5. Mother – Lissie (Danzig Cover) Lyric Video

    I liked the slow well controlled burn and the subtle production effects added as the song progressed (widening of stereo field in chorus (and reverb add I think). Fireworks did not start until a full 3/5s into the song. Enjoyed it.

  6. Lissie – Not a bad track. Sounds like a Stevie Nicks song until it kicks in at the end.

    Gary Jules – For the love of the deity of your choice, NO!

  7. Lissie – I’m hearing the 80’s Benatar/nicks vibe too. And I thought it was going to stay that way and all of a sudden that bass went fuzzy and the pace amped up and we end up with a metal finish. Very good.

    Jules – The Donnie Darko cover. When they needed to inject some sadness into a noticeably 80’s track for the throwback horror movie and didn’t have much money =p

    1. It’s funny, with the way-too-much TV Liz & I watch, I can appreciate the G. Jules track above so many of the mediocre 80s covers that are out there. I think Grey’s Anatomy gets the award for having the most mind-numbingly bland ones.

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