
It’s About Time – Fourtnight



VOLUME 23.4.1


“Time Has Come Today” by The Chambers Brothers
Submitted by Ian

This may have been in a movie about Vietnam. I love the music from the era and have always been into war movies.


“Old School Digital Watch” by Ciao Bella
Submitted by Dave

I remember when I acquired my first digital watch when I was about 12 or so. I thought I was the bomb. I think this song is the bomb too.


VOLUME 23.4.2


“1,2,3 Forever” by The Rubinoos
Submitted by Ed

The Rubinoos and I go way back. They are power pop masters. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” was probably their closest thing to a hit, but they were right there at the top with Shoes, 20/20 and The Romantics (1st record) at the pinnacle of the late 70s era of the genre.


“Clapping Music” by Steve Reich
Submitted by Alan

Not sure if this will be controversh, as my daughter says. Steve Reich is a modern classical composer who uses a lot of percussion as well as repetitions with small differences that murmur and progress slowly overtime. This is a purely percussive piece from the early 70’s. While there is nothing in the title (nor are there any lyrics) about time per se, I find the experience of listening to this to be about how small changes in time MATTER, in music and in life. I also find that my attention shifts from foreground to background in my head as the parts come together and diverge.


VOLUME 23.4.3


“Sign O’ The Times” by Prince
Submitted by Bill

Time is the concept floating in the background of Princely contemplations of extant or unfolding disasters large and small, with a funky beat accented by masterly blues-guitar licks. Time wounds all heels.

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