4 thoughts on “VOLUME 23.4.3”

  1. Prince- I remembered this song as being simple since the drum and bass tracks had stuck in my head and were most recognizable. But listening now I can really appreciate the tasteful but bad ass guitar riffs and the funny/sad/intense lyrics. This snippet stood out:
    In September, my cousin tried reefer for the very first time/Now he’s doing horse, it’s June, unh.
    Great stuff.

  2. Prince – Sign O’ the Times
    Pulsating. Timeless (somewhat unfortunately as far as the lyrics go). The guitar riffing throughout is what makes it for me. I need to revisit the whole album. Starfish and Coffee was always my favorite off of it. This album and Around the World in a Day are probably my personal top 2 Prince records.

  3. Prince – Another artist where I was familiar with the hits. When Kiss came on at the club, I ruled the dance floor. I bought one of his CDs, I think it was a double album of hits hits. I can’t remember, but it got a lot of play time. Of course I would skip over the over-played radio hits, but overall an enjoyable listen. I have never heard this song, or any song that wasn’t played on the radio. this might have been but I don’t recognize it. Still has that recognizable Prince kick to it.

    Ed mentioned that Around the World was in his top 2. I think I may have that album on Vinyl. and possibly Purple Rain. I’ll have to check next time I go to my dads.

  4. “Sign O’ The Times” by Prince:

    Such a cool vibe. Feels like the guitar is just held back enough with those jabs to foreshadow an avalanche later. However, it always remained restrained but just right for the song
    Nice one.

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