3 thoughts on “VOLUME 24.2.3”

  1. At this point, musically, I’m finding this a bit of a generic sample of the genre. A good track that I find appealing for car blasting. Lyrically it is a challenge to those who “go along.” Well done by the other TR.

  2. “The Hand That Feeds”/NIN. Good, direct track. Cannily, does not reference any distinct issue at all, just rails against complacency (about anything). Musically, I can’t disagree with Ed about its generic industrial nature, but because I don’t much listen to this type of music I am still engaged by it; when it came out, it was really something new and potent, and it still conjures that feeling for me.

  3. NIN – was a big fan of NIN, This album however I felt was loosing its edge and becoming to over-produced and poppy. Now that’s not to say it isn’t well done. I feel like you lose out over some of the rawness that was NIN music. Not something I would throw in the bin, but not an album I would choose over the other albums in the catalogue.

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