SoaD – I was never really into “heavy Metal” I tend to shy away from it. I heard the song Chop Suey and decided to buy the album. I found it amazing. (Eventually owning all of their albums) The music just has a power behind it along with a message (Similar to Rage Against the Machine) . I love the guitar intro and the energy of this track.
CA – new to me. Very 60s 70s vibe. The voice seems a little echoey and muttled but maybe that was the intent. somewhat eerie. I couldn’t really make out the lyrics. Something about marching on a tower?
SoaD – I was never really into “heavy Metal” I tend to shy away from it. I heard the song Chop Suey and decided to buy the album. I found it amazing. (Eventually owning all of their albums) The music just has a power behind it along with a message (Similar to Rage Against the Machine) . I love the guitar intro and the energy of this track.
CA – new to me. Very 60s 70s vibe. The voice seems a little echoey and muttled but maybe that was the intent. somewhat eerie. I couldn’t really make out the lyrics. Something about marching on a tower?