5 thoughts on “VOLUME 22.3.1”

  1. KMFDM – just some fine industrial music. KMFDM almost broke me. They would get a hit song, and then release an album of just that song, feat other artists, or mixers. So of course you had to buy it. I believe I got a few on the cheap when Ed would take me to the record store on lunch.

    FOTC – This is amazing. and so true. I am guessing this is from the popular show (That I have never seen),

    1. KMFDM- Synthy! I can vibe with a synthy track now and again (see Propellorheads). This has some friendly elements to it though, likeness very sugary treat, then pleasing sensation fades quickly and leaves me hungry for something more substantial, like a non-digital instrument made of wood or brass. The lyrical homage to Blue Suede Shoes made me chuckle.

  2. KMFDM – Money
    Grand intro with distorted synth – then powers into full-on industrial. Not a big fan of the vocal style/treatment. Good crunching guitar with nice synth nuances. I’m toe-tapping. Okay, there’s enough going on, musically, to keep it interesting. I would like the beat to be bigger, warmer and wetter – that’s what I want 🙂
    Lyrically I guess it’s just describing a lifestyle – I did hear “need” in there.
    Had to look up what the band name acronym was short for – it’s German and according to Wikipedia is ‘loosely translated by the band as “no pity for the majority”‘

    Flight of the Conchords – Business Time
    A little Prince/EW&F-like riff that lends itself nicely to the comic tomfoolery. Remember: Recycling “…isn’t part of the foreplay, but it’s still very important.”
    (singing) “Team building exercise ’99”

  3. “Money”/KMFDM. The intro is movie-scorish, a la “The Magnificent Seven,” the rest a blend of techno-rock beats and metal guitars with ironically distanced lyrics and vocals. Amusing enough, but mostly left me cold, and wore out its welcome around 4:30.

    “Business Time”/Flight of the Conchords. Fine comic tune. I know of these guys more than I know their stuff, but this brings a chuckle. I’m sure it would work as well without the video, which is saying something, because the video is pretty funny.

  4. “Money” by KMFDM: Reminds me of a more electronic/techno version of Beastie Boys. Cool vibe with driving rhythm. The comic book art work feels right here with the music somehow. The arrangement is a tad too static….bouncing between two roots most of the song but overall they pulled off a rocking rollick mutha fucka

    “Business Time” by Flight of the Conchords: Comedy Rock. Always dangerous to try to be funny in music but this song works perfectly. Hilarious. Love that funky RnB crooning. Now its business time.

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