Determined to record midi drumming, I approached my computer. I again tried to get a drum pattern going using the method described in the previously referenced tutorial, with no luck.
This part just ain’t happening:
“Play C3 on your MIDI keyboard, or hit the computer keyboard’s “A” key. You will hear the corresponding drum sound immediately, and again once every bar. Every note that you play will be captured in the new pattern and played once every loop cycle.”
I hear the drum sound, but it does not repeat or record. Perhaps it’s because I have the “lite” version. I decided to just hit record on the track – like I do when recording any other audio track. Voilà! It records what I play. One teeny step forward. I picked a sound that I liked for a possible 80’s sound for Future Psychic Girlfriend and tapped a single key on the keyboard for the proposed (possible?) length of the song. I said in a previous post that I was going to have some fun with this one. That said, I preceded with a quick mess of guitar, organ, & two vocal tracks, each panned to a separate side, with reverb & compression. I make no apologies for the “Crazy Love Mess” mix linked to below.
-MessEd Around