I usually work on my music on a weekend morning, so I figured I’d give a glimpse into that world by posting a video – what I’m calling, initially at least, a Pajama Practice Session. (Does this title make sense? It’s meant to mean a Practice session while in my pajamas, not practicing pajamas – whatever that could mean.)
I re-learned my song Fool Play as I have listened to it but have not played it since posting the demo back in April of 2015 (see No Fooling post). After tuning and going through it a handful of times, I recorded it on my HTC phone and am posting unedited, at least this first one. NOTE: I am as unkempt as the music. One thing I noticed right off, is that the video is not synced with the audio. Another thing is Slinky Dog is keeping an eye on things.
I initially thought I’d link from Google Drive, then though of YouTube (both links available below). As I create real versions, I’ll need to think whether I want to continue to post my audio to SoundCloud.com and Video to YouTube and what the ramifications of putting the material there would be.
I opened with Movie Maker (I assume it’s a MicroSoft app – as it was available on my PC, but only used it to get a “Snapshot” from the video to use as an image for atop this blog entry.
Never afraid to look or sound like a fool.
HTC video is very clear. How did you stabilize it? and I assume you had to synch the phone to your computer to upload or did you do it all from the phone to get it to Youtube and the Google Drive? The delay is something that you’ll have to work through for sure
Very low tech setup. I put my phone on an empty desktop day calendar plastic “stand.” I then uploaded to Google drive from my phone, downloaded to my laptop, then uploaded to YouTube – purposely leaving all the mess.